We've been gone for some time, but we're back and ready with a review of a great ska record!
Each month we pick one record to hold the title of "Album of the Month." This month we take a look at Early Reggae by The Revivers.
It is with a smile that we close the book on the 14th chapter of the Victoria Ska Festival. This entry is a look back on what made this year so special, and what we hope to build on in the future.
With another year of amazing shows and musicians, so too is it another year of summer playlists to play in the car, at work, and wherever you go. We've put together a list of our playlists for our 2013 festival.
2012 was a great year for ska and reggae music. We've produced a list of what we feel are the top 10 albums that were the best of the genre in 2012.