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The Perish Sign With Delinquent Records & Re-Abduct Bruce !
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Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
Hey Everyone !

What'z up ?

I figured we owe an explanation as to
" what happened to The Perish "

First, I was instructed by my alien friends to write songs for the upcomming third album, and to sign with Delinquent Records.

They abducted Bruce and Re-programmed him to be back in the band.

They told us " this is the sound " and we have to listen.

So, we have officially signed with Delinquent Records,
and we plan to play some really big shows comming very soon.

Be Warned. We are putting subliminal messages and neurological programming frequencies into our next album that we hope to be releasing early 2011.

Hope you all have a Rockin' 2010 !

Jeff Noyes

The Perish - Sun, 26 Sep 2010 8:30pm
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
Did Bruce ever pay back the money he owes you...?

And stopping Marc on the street to take a pic ,doesn't mean you got a deal with delinquent . Funny you have your axe right there too.....

But I can't wait to hear the new stuff.....Maybe all the subliminal messages and neurological programming frequencies will make me like your stuff, or maybe not. - Sun, 26 Sep 2010 9:53pm Edited: Sun, 26 Sep 2010 9:53pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
That's backwards. I owed Bruce some cash...
and yes, I just bought him a brand new 6 piece
drum kit, so I'd say we're square.

I had my guitar because we went to Marc LaFrance's house/studio specifically to sign the deal and take a few photos.

If you're really in doubt you could pop over to the
Delinquent Records Website and see for yourself.
Check out the Hard Rock section.

The new songs coming up for the third album are some of our best stuff.

Rock on Victoria ! - Sun, 26 Sep 2010 10:20pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
We didn't stop Marc in the street. lol

That's Marc's house and studio in the background,
and my '68 Corvair Monza we're standing infront of
that I drove there specifically for the photos.

Marc's wife was nice enough to snap a bunch of photos for us.

Rock on Victoria !! - Sun, 26 Sep 2010 10:31pm
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*yawn* - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 8:54am
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
"Witch one of these things is not like the others"

Bruce looks like he should be in a park somewhere,drinking some aqua velva with all his ruby friends. That guy need an image consultant bad.Oh and he could use a few good lessons at drumming as well.Sorry's the truth .And How many times are you going to re-record all the same songs geesh.

"The Perish is a Hard Hitting Solid Rock Band, with outstanding live shows, and two hot albums under their belt so far."
I stopped reading right there.
Lies all lies.......My respect for Delinquent just went way down...... - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 11:39am Edited: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 11:42am
Mr. Hell
User Info...
"So, we have officially signed with Delinquent Records..."

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Weren't you officially signed with Delinquent Records years back when you said you were signed to their label? Or was that a top secret signing that only you were aware of? - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 12:28pm
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
When is the save on show?????
ROFLMAO - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 1:35pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
Haaa haa. Same old Live Victora.

Nothing but haters that don't put in as
much effort toward their own music as
they do in bashing The Perish.

We work hard. We play hard.

We get results. We do shit for fun.

We seriously don't give a flying F*$& what anyone
else thinks. period.

It would be nice to hear just once from live vic...

" Nice work Jeff "

but I guess that's not possible when dealing with
children boasting low IQs.

Rock on all NON-haters.

PS - the Save on Food show it coming up right after the pacific colesium show. - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 3:25pm
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
As the grimlord I said good work lots of times...

"We seriously don't give a flying F*$& what anyone
else thinks. period."

That's not entirely true,why else would you post your signing ..?

And one point at being in a band is to make people stand up and listen is it not,so really you should give a (blank) about it.

I must admit, the Perish has grown leaps and bounds .But still not my cup o's rock...teeny bopper rock.Highschoolers would give you a run for your money.I mean when I was in high school I wrote hundreds of songs just like the ones you play,then I grew up. - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 3:50pm
User Info...
Geez Jeff, you really do make it rather difficult for us. If indeed you have actually signed with Delinquent, congratulations. When you play SOFA or the Coliseum, right on.

Until then, your continued fantasizing in public has left you with absolutely no credibility around here whatsoever. Sorry man, but you did it to yourself.

There are still those of us around who remember the Royal Theatre show ( debacle). You still have to live that down, not to mention Bruce's ravings here on LiveVic both for and against The Perish.

Do what the rest of us do... work hard, play hard... and be real. A little self promotion is essential in this business, but when you are making ludicrous claims as you have been known to, then you really have to expect people to take anything you say with a grain of salt.

Good luck man. - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 3:54pm
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
"Do what the rest of us do... work hard, play hard... and be real."

We are talking about a dude who thinks his parents are aliens .........And is going with the hole alien thing.....Bin done sooooo many times ,and most fail.Lest you do it to be bad in the first place...5,4,3,1, blast. - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 4:05pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
Thanks for the good luck !

best comment I've heard on this site, possibly ever.

I remember the Royal Theater show too, and well
we all start somewhere right ?

I put a ton of money and time into pulling it off by myself even when everyone else failed me.

The sole purpose of that show was to get attention from some labels and it worked. So, the show was a complete success in my view.

we aren't making any ludicrous claims.

We DID sign with Delinquent Records.
check us out on their website under Hard Rock.


We ARE playing the SOFA and the PC.

I will be the first to admit not everything I say is going to happen, has been on schedule. But some things take time.
That's the way it is.

We will announce the show dates as soon as possible.

We already know the date for the PC show, but can't say just yet.

Hang in there, you guys should know by now that I'm full of suprises !

Rock On ! - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 4:05pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
" .5,4,3,1, blast. "

That video is freakin' AWSOME. - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 4:12pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
Thanks... you guys just gave us some ideas for our own video! - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 4:14pm
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
Yeah, I love the one finger key action.

So ,let me get this put on your first show however long ago at the royal,and you drew about 15 people outside your circle of family and friends....So out of those I would assume that there was a rep there taking a listen,and like what he/she herd...? Now you keep expecting us all to believe that playing a show at the royal will automatically guarantee a record labile representative will be there.And as most of us who have worded damn hard for years know you have to pay your duos first ,tour the shit out of this country,then you get some headway..... - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 4:20pm Edited: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 4:21pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
The thing is,

we do a ton of shit behind closed doors that
you all don't hear about.

Delinquent Records thinks we're going all the way.



pretty much it.

cheers - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 4:24pm
User Info...
" labile representative"... I love it! - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 4:25pm
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
Yeah ok ...give me a brake ...would's hard to type fast and smoke one at the same time...And I use the wrong spelling all the time's just something you have to deal with,not me.It's ok if you don't get what I say(pats on head) weren't meant too I guess.

Well I think ..If the perish plays save on then I will eat my shoe...

I really hope I don't have to eat a shoe...

BTW is that subsidized housing he lives in or just a really small condo .....? Hard to have a quality studio in a place like that.....but it can be done..

But yeah....good luck. - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 4:32pm Edited: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 4:44pm
User Info...
I actually thought you were being clever. Google "labile" and you'll see what I mean. - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 5:22pm
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
Woohhh, .........don't go saying shit like that about me.......people might get the wrong idea.

Plus I love to rant .... - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 7:27pm Edited: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 7:29pm
Mr. Hell
User Info...
"It would be nice to hear just once from live vic...

" Nice work Jeff ""

You will when you actually do something that lives up to your hype. - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 8:06pm
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
"Hype" tee hee - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 8:17pm
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'68 Corvair Monza/ lmao - Mon, 27 Sep 2010 8:59pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
" hard to type fast and smoke one "


hype ?? did you not see us on the Delinquent
Records Website ?

why does everyone here assume you have to play a bunch of small bars to go play stadiums ?

We earn our dues with guys like Marc LaFrance,
so we don't need to earn anyone elses respect in a small bar somewhere where there's no chance of world recognition.

You guys should try telling this stuff to Lady Gaga.

Rock on Victoria !! - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 12:17am
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
hey TC,

what do you drive ?

I rather like the classic cars.
Mine's officially antique now.
Rebuilt the entire car myself. - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 12:21am Edited: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 12:22am
User Info...
"PS - the Save on Food show it coming up right after the pacific colesium show."

In other words, never?

"I put a ton of money"

You mean Christine, or whatever the fuck her name was, put in a ton of money.

"We DID sign with Delinquent Records.
check us out on their website under Hard Rock."

After saying you were already signed with them almost 2yrs ago. That's where the lie is dumbass, not that you're presently signed. I know this is hard to follow but please try to keep up...

"Hang in there, you guys should know by now that I'm full of suprises !"

Or just full of shit.

"You guys should try telling this stuff to Lady Gaga."

She was successful long before she started doing her own thing. You weren't. Big difference.

Same old same old. You set em up, we knock em down.

You must like the abuse... - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 3:33am
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
no, it's just that guys like you on here never have your fact straight.

Christine never put in a dime for the Royal Theater Show.

I funded the entire thing myself, with a backer.
Christine had nothing to do with it.

She DID help me organize the show, and played bass.

I paid for the entire Royal Theater gig.

I already said I'll be the first to admit to the fact that some things take time and not everything I said has been on schedule, but it still happened, so just relax.

Get your facts straight.

There ya go. I knocked em down.

same old same old.

Rock on NON-haters ! - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 3:48am
Mr. Hell
User Info...
You said from the first time you posted that you were signed to Delinquent Records and defended this statement when people said you weren't. You just now say you are "officially" signed. Omission of words for your convenience of fact does not make you a truth teller. - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 7:34am
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
You should just not post here at all anymore.Or just for once in your life, tell us something real and try not to say I told you so.*("a toe to so,a toe to so....I fucken toe to so....")*

Now if we could only get Bruce to chime in .....

*(Ricky talk) - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 8:22am Edited: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 8:26am
User Info...
Copy and paste into browser
This is the best Perish video to date...

Jeff can make you a rockstar AND he can make you RICH!

Obviously he's delusional and if he spent as much time and effort working on his music and writing GOOD songs, as opposed to running his mouth off making bogus claims of his band's worthiness then maybe the Perish might attain some musical merit.

Until minus action equals nada. Just because you come on here and make claims that you're playing the Pacific Coliseum or the SOFA doesn't make you honest or a good band. By the way, when was the last REAL live show you played? How many shows has the band played in total? Over 5?

Secondly, I don't think telling everyone about a lame distribution deal with Deliquint Records is anything to be proud of...especially when their flagship band is PRISM. HA!

It's ignorant to come on here and insult peoples intelligence with your BS statements, not to mention other bands that really do the legwork, work hard at it, and don't feel the need boast about small accomplishments along the way. Modesty and honesty would go along way Jeff. - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 9:22am Edited: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 9:24am
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
The thing is Jeff......your stuff is just to good and we are all jealous of your ability.There I said it...... - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 12:17pm
User Info...
No idea why Jeff even bothers posting here anymore. The only one buying the hype seems to be him. We really need an ignore user option so I don't feel compelled to comment on his obvious psych issues. - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 12:54pm
User Info...
So I guess the deal with Sony (or was it Universal, I can't remember) has expired, eh? Maye Ron Tabak can do some guest vocals on the next album. Don't ever change, Jeff... - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 1:03pm Edited: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 1:03pm
User Info...
Your Corvair is an old, piece of crap, death trap. Taken out of production for safety reasons.
Only a fool would bother "restoring" one.

Here is a vid of what I drive - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 2:27pm
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! - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 4:52pm
User Info...
who really cares? lol... big deal, they signed with a small label.
the only reason he posts here is to get you guys all bent out of shape, and it works. I couldn't care less; however, it is entertaining seeing all the posts RIGHT after the perish puts anything up. - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 5:10pm
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
SO if you think one hour and twenty three minutes is right after then you are slower then I thought. - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 6:03pm
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Did you forget our plan for today? - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 6:32pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
User Info...
curious how verbatim this thread would be to the other perish threads - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 8:39pm
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
Got side tracked ....sorry.

"curious how verbatim this thread would be to the other perish threads"

Well he does seem to stick to his old tricks ...but as for word for word...Jeff has put his foot in his mouth . - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 8:52pm
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Thats cold bro - Tue, 28 Sep 2010 10:18pm
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"SO if you think one hour and twenty three minutes is right after then you are slower then I thought."

Go to work you useless ingrate... :P j/k.

and yes 90 minutes after, is still quite soon after they posted their original post. Which means a)you have no life or have livevic set to alert/email you when people post(refer back to the first part of A) b)you care way too much about trolling the perish lol(even if I get a kick out of it) c)ALL you guys care WAYYYYYYYY too much; so much so you sound like the skinny kid laughing and pointing at the fat kid(even though it is kinda funny, grow up and dont get so bent out of shape... the label is a small indie label, BIG FUCKING DEAL lol.). - Wed, 29 Sep 2010 10:38am
User Info...
Funny, the Perish are in the "hard rock" category on Delinquint's website when really they should be filed under either "sound alikes" or perhaps "children's music". Oh well... - Wed, 29 Sep 2010 1:10pm
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
Jl, you make no sense at all. Are you drunk at 10 a.m. again...?

Posting here just put you in with the rest of us make no sense. - Wed, 29 Sep 2010 1:24pm
User Info...
Nice ride TC. We don't actually know each other, but what say you take me out for a spin then we split a nice bottle of scotch afterwards.

~Yay for the scottish!
Doc - Wed, 29 Sep 2010 6:17pm
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
It's more like this....... - Wed, 29 Sep 2010 7:02pm
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, - Wed, 29 Sep 2010 10:33pm
User Info...
the difference is that Im laughing AT both the perish AND you :) not with you. But of course not in a malicious way :D - Thu, 30 Sep 2010 11:03am Edited: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 11:04am
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
Did you say something......? - Thu, 30 Sep 2010 7:16pm Edited: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 7:16pm
User Info...
...did YOU say something? - Fri, 1 Oct 2010 10:26am
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
Ha ha........ha

I said hows it going....... - Fri, 1 Oct 2010 10:30am
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
Here's something new for all the haters to hack us for.

A new instrumental, 2nd rehearsal take, full of mistakes and a poor recording.

This should be plenty for you to make fun of and slam us for no reason.

Rock on Non-Haters ! - Fri, 1 Oct 2010 1:46pm Edited: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 1:49pm
User Info...

I run a modest project studio and offer really quality recordings for a really really good price.. you should drop me a line.. It would be super cool to track you guys.

Steve/runway studios

info at - Fri, 1 Oct 2010 3:55pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
hey Thanks Steve.
Might take you up on that. My studio is getting renovated and won't be done in time to cut our third album.

We need 2 or 3 more tracks yet for the new album, but we're working on some potential songs now.

We'll probably be thinking about studio time in 3 or 4 weeks.

Thanks for the invite. I'll check out your site.

Jeff - Fri, 1 Oct 2010 8:08pm
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
Can you hear me,and then.......

you can have that one...... - Fri, 1 Oct 2010 9:02pm Edited: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 9:03pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
Cool, except all of The Perish Album Titles must be a question, with a question mark on the end.

Album 1 - Have You Seen Us Lately ?

Album 2 - Can You Hear Us Now ?

Here is another messy jam of a new song that we recorded right after that instrumental. Second take off the flour , no editing, with only 4 mics on the drums and lots of bad singing for ya'll to heckle.

Rock On Victoria ! - Sat, 2 Oct 2010 12:55am
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
More Riots. - Sat, 2 Oct 2010 1:03am
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
I would like to see the stamp in your passport, that you did indeed go to the U.K. Plus real pics of you there...must be one...and non of this t.v. file footage of a riot that happened in the 80's .Looks like you filmed your t.v. with your cellphone.Or your of the two.But it's most likely your t.v. with a bend in the tube's really old too.....

No more, and then! - Sat, 2 Oct 2010 11:05am Edited: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 11:16am
User Info...
I think you get alot of this wrong Jeff... I certainly dont care either way if you guys are signed or not; you have nothing to prove to the people here or me, so why perpetuate it? Sure any press is good press; but you still need people to come to your shows, your friends will only account for so much*(and your label will notice that im sure)
Book your shows, play them and be happy with it. Who cares if you want to play the SOFA, don't most musicians have aspirations of playing infront of thousands of people sharing their music with the world?
And when you rub it in the faces of the community, believe it or not, some people take offense to that. I bust my ass to do my share of the leg work in my band, and we're proud of EVERY achievement. BUT, we do not a)come here to gloat b)we dont care what other people think... its our music. If you like it, great... if not, fine*(its your opinion).
What I guess I'm getting at, is that its not HATE towards you or your band. Im sure most people here*(had these threads NOT started) would be stoked to see a band that works hard at what they do; but aren't complete social retards. You guys have a deal, awesome; good for you... dont take that for granted*(theres many bands out there who work FUCKING HARD to get a deal for distribution/recording).
Nothing good ever came from gloating - Sat, 2 Oct 2010 12:36pm
Mr. Hell
User Info...
These riots took place as part of a celebration that honored The Perish not actually showing up to play a show in London as Jeff had said they would. The collective relief was so strong that people lost their shit.

I think it's most excellent that "the truth" gets hammered on so much in that interview. - Sat, 2 Oct 2010 1:37pm
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
This horse is can stop beating it. - Sat, 2 Oct 2010 5:42pm Edited: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 5:42pm
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Why can't your drummer play more like this?

or better yet like a REAL drummer... - Fri, 8 Oct 2010 1:38pm Edited: Fri, 8 Oct 2010 1:40pm
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
I think Bruce is slightly retarded ,not enough to say he is a full on helmet wearing,knuckle dragger ,But just enough to make us all laugh at the look on his face. - Fri, 15 Oct 2010 10:50am
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...

anyone catch the half time show at the Grey Cup with BTO ?

See that guy playing drums ??

That's Marc Lafrance, President Of Delinquent Records Playing Drums and Singing.

Proud to be on his label. He Rocks ! - Wed, 1 Dec 2010 5:04pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
what is so mysterious is how people here get this idea that I DON'T work MY fucking ass off EVERYDAY to make it !?

Because I do.

Marc Lafrace knows it. I've shown him.

He believes in The Perish...

good enough for me !!

I like making people laugh.

Sue me.

Rock On Non Haters !!! - Wed, 1 Dec 2010 7:01pm
MC -K.N.Z.
User Info...
All I heard was...Blah,blah,blah,please like me.Blah,blah blah.halftime show...blah blah ,blah....I post shit all over the net ....blah ,blah ,blah do you like me know...Blah ,blah blah ,I'm cool,and someone signed us as a joke...kind of like dinner for schmucks...

blah ,blah

Blah blah Haters !!! - Thu, 2 Dec 2010 12:54am
User Info...
y'know for a signed band, you guys really dont do much... you dont play any shows, haven't promoted your album outside your friend circle, I haven't heard of anything to do with the perish outside of this particular messageboard and ANYONE that I speak to has no clue who you guys are.
You say you put in the work? when? where? Id love to see that... I bust my ass with my band and we work fucking hard playing shows, recording, writing, touring, promoting... But when I see someone like this who touts themselves as a hardworking musician, who hasn't played a show in 3 years just gets signed to a small label claiming all these hardworking ethics saying that we're all hating you for your music; you have it completely wrong... its YOU; your attitude and the way you put yourself in a category, falsely. You dont work hard with your band, you might work hard to earn money for a roof over your head and food on the table; but outside that, I haven't seen a single shred of anything resembling The Perish anywhere in Canada let alone on vancouver island.

accept that you guys are a decent local band... outside that you have a LONG way to go, not in ability, but in attitude. I dont appreciate some brat coming here bragging about something they know little to nothing about and dont even follow through on. I dont care if you're a signed band, you haven't done anything to promote yourselves, album or label... what a great investment. - Thu, 2 Dec 2010 8:34am
User Info... is true....Jeff from the Perish does work his ass off...AND he has truly made it (made it where...I'm not exactly sure).

I see him busking his ass off in front of the Sooke Liquor Store playing shitty renditions of Stone Temple Pilots songs all the time. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH CASH HE'S ROLLING IN? DO YOU KNOW HOW BIG HE'S MADE IT?

I don't think I would have even heard of Delinquent Records if it wasn't for him. But now that I am aware and I've seen the "bands" (I use that term loosely) on the label...I think he would have been better off going DIY than associating himself with this label. I'd be embarassed to distribute or release anything by the Perish or PRISM!? ~snicker~ Of course the first category I searched for the Perish under on the label was...'Children's Music,' BECAUSE that is a REAL category on the label...and where else would I look?

I wish the world could live in your delusion seems like a happy and simple place. - Thu, 2 Dec 2010 10:51am
User Info...
I loved that half time show.
Turner's vocals ruled. - Fri, 3 Dec 2010 9:29pm
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